Brenda Trim

Bestselling Paranormal Romance
Brenda Trim

Brenda Trim

Bestselling Paranormal Romance

Brenda loves everything paranormal, and it was natural to go from working as a social worker to creating worlds that feature dangerously handsome heroes and feisty heroines. With the help of popcorn and candy, she takes dragons, fairies, witches, vampires, and so much more and brings them to life. She lives in Texas with her husband and three kids who fuel not only her heart but her life. Bringing her characters to life and writing over thirty stories has been an epic adventure for her.If she’s not writing, she’s knee-deep in projects with her husband and five sisters putting Lacey, her laser engraver to work.Join Brenda Trim’s Reader Club to get FREE books, sneak peeks, and exclusive giveaways for newsletter followers: her on Facebook:, Follow her on Amazon or on Bookbub: