C Howard Rieling

Revenge - One Novel At A Time

C Howard Rieling

Revenge - One Novel At A Time
C. Howard Rieling has a way of writing that makes people ask his wife if she’s safe being married to him. Two words that have been used to describe him are “talented…and sick.” Retribution fiction is what he calls his genre, and Rieling draws inspiration for his writing from a childhood of traumatic altercations as an inner-city kid living in Jersey City, New Jersey. Unable to escape bullying and beatings, Rieling would imagine himself to be imbued with powers like his comic-book heroes. His stories are rich in recompense and travel down dark roads, employ supernatural forces, and dish out overflowing portions of whoop-ass against carefully crafted villains.
City life led Rieling to become a lifelong practitioner of Chinese and Okinawan martial arts and he has been awarded three black belt ranks. He is also an avid collector of fossils and is happy digging and sinking knee-deep in sticky mud in bug-infested streams in search of specimens. He loves music and has two awesome and accomplished teenagers – a daughter with an angelic voice who is destined for greatness, and a son who is an animal on the drums.
Ghost on the Left is Rieling’s second novel. His debut novel, Strix, is also available on Amazon.