Johnathan Lightfoot


Johnathan Lightfoot

🎙️ Johnathan is a dynamic and accomplished public speaker with over 20 years of experience in IT, leadership, and generational wealth. He is the author of four books and a Christian leader who hosts a weekly Clubhouse Room on effective leadership while upholding faith and beliefs in the workplace.

👨‍💼 As a seasoned IT professional and Navy veteran, Johnathan’s expertise in the field is unmatched. He is just, fair, and knowledgeable about the latest technologies and trends in the field, including ethics and future of cybersecurity, cloud computing, and digital transformation.

🧑‍💼 Johnathan is a seasoned leader, dedicated to improving organizational leadership skills and achieving goals. He is the hardworking and dedicated leader of his family’s 37-year-old IT consulting company, Symbiont, Inc. Johnathan has delivered presentations on grid management, communication, teamwork, and strategy.

💰 In addition to IT and leadership expertise, Johnathan is passionate about sharing his experience and knowledge on the topic of generational wealth. As a successful entrepreneur, investor, and third-generation member of Symbiont, he is ambitious and driven to succeed, helping many individuals and families build and preserve their wealth for future generations through mentorship.

🗣️ Johnathan’s engaging style and diverse expertise make him a highly sought-after speaker who can deliver unique and valuable presentations to any audience. He is humble, adaptable, and resilient, constantly seeking new opportunities to improve and grow as a public speaker.

👍 Overall, Johnathan is a versatile and approachable speaker who can deliver valuable insights and practical advice to audiences across industries. As a proud Navy veteran and Christian leader, he is dedicated to upholding his faith and beliefs in the workplace while also being an effective leader. Join his community of like-minded individuals at https://www.christianleadershipconnection.club/.