
M. J. Ambil


M. J. Ambil

M. J. Ambil first started writing humorous fiction when she was just a teenager and shared them to surprisingly encouraging feedback on Yahoo groups. Her life took a detour from writing during and after college, when she tried to do everything she could to have a successful corporate career that would, of course, guarantee happiness forever.

But to her utter dismay, upon graduation, she was forced to remove her rose-tinted glasses and live in a world of dreary grey cubicles, project deadlines, and a shocking lack of happily-ever-afters, until finally, she came upon a one-off evening class at Stanford. It was a class on the art of fiction and it reminded her of her hopeless love for writing. She realized that nothing could make her as happy as creating fictional worlds in her mind and on paper, so she bade a cheerful goodbye to the corporate world and hasn’t looked back ever since. Today, she loves writing about strong women, their friendships, and the courage they find within themselves to turn their worlds around.

Having lived in both India and the U.S., M. J. likes to blend a bit of both worlds in her writing. Now she spends her days creating intrigue, drama and happy endings on page.