
Sade Louise


Sade Louise

Sade Louise was born in Grand Rapids, MI, and grew up there until the age of fifteen when she moved abroad to Paraguay, South America with her mother. After living and embracing the culture there she eventually moved back to the USA, relocating to Chicago, IL. However, with her love of traveling, experiencing the world, and blending what she learned into her writing, Sade Louise is now based in South Korea as a model and entertainer.

Blood of the Lotus was first imagined as a preteen’s (literal) dream, and she finished the original draft for a school project. Later in life, as her writing matured, she rewrote it until it became what it is today—a book nine years in the making. Her hope as a white author is to share her passion for fantasy while ensuring her worlds remain diverse and represented, especially as her debut series Undivided is set in the modern-day world.

Sade Louise is the proud pet parent to two adorable cats, Suki and Yeon. She is currently working on the next installments in her debut series and connecting novellas featuring characters seen in Blood of the Lotus.