Physician, Heal Thyself, The Oxygen Mask Principle

Before you can help others effectively.... You must take care of yourself.

Ministry to others is not easy. When you spend yourself by giving to others, you place yourself at risk. You become vulnerable to burnout, depression, and physical exhaustion.The Oxygen Mask Principle states: “Take care of yourself first, then you will be able to help others..”Caring for other people without caring for yourself first can lead to burnout and physical and spiritual distress.William Johnson spent over thirty years in ministry. After witnessing the destructive effects of burnout and its damage to leaders and ministries, Bill, with his wife Rita, spent several years studying and researching the causes and how they may be avoided. Then they produced a workshop for pastors, health care professionals, and other caregivers which received fine reviews and impacted lives. This book is the result of years of experience helping ministers maintain a healthy ministry.Discover eight vital steps that will protect you and help you maintain a long and fruitful ministry, without destroying yourself.Understand the cause and cure of burnout at its various stages. Learn about compassion fatigue, spiritual adultery, attachments, and transferences.You can enjoy a long and fruitful ministry when you implement the eight steps described in this book.

Flying Fortress

It was supposed to be just another mission. But for the crew of the B-17 bomber Sky King, the horrors

Amethyst of Youth

The youngest member of the Stonewarden family, Charlotte (Charlie), is 18 years old. As with everyone in her family when

About the Author

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