
Cate Rowan

Royal romance and lyrical fantasy in magical realms

Cate Rowan

Royal romance and lyrical fantasy in magical realms

Cate has washed laundry in a crocodile-infested African lake, parasailed over a Mexican beach, swum with dolphins in the Florida Keys, and had Costa Rican monkeys poop in her hair, but her favorite adventures are in story worlds. Her lush fantasy tales about magical adventures, kismet, and true love in realms near and far have won more than thirty awards and reached the USA Today bestseller list.When Cate’s elementary school teachers assigned creative writing projects, writing became a force in her life. She wrote through high school, particularly when bored in class. (Rumor has it those high school pages consisted of fantasies about Duran Duran, but she is silent on the issue and keeps those notebooks from prying eyes.)She put fiction aside to earn a Ph.D. — but her muse, even while stuffed in a dark closet, never shut up. Now she and her muse and her story people get to play every day. (There might be strawberry mojitos involved, but again, she’s not saying.)CATE ROWAN’S READER CAFÉ: